Monday, January 28, 2008

Paige's 3rd Birthday Pictures

Well Wonderful Theresa came over today and took wonderful pictures of Paige for me. I can't believe how great they are considering she cried and literally hid from Theresa and the camera. I hope you all enjoy looking at them as much as I do.

Thank you so much Theresa!


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My Cardiac Rehab

Well yesterday was the first day of rehab! I LOVED IT!! It was too difficult and I didn't have any major heart flutters of shortness of breathe. But I'm hoping that they will increase my speed on the treadmill. 1.7 miles per hour feels more like I'm making the belt move.

I was worried about going to rehab because Karen (the mom I babysit for) would have to take off work early 3 days a week. But good ole Jeff stepped up to the plate and said he would watch the girls while I'm at rehab. I am so thankful for that.

Well I need to get ready for the day. Emma should be here soon.

Love & Prayers,

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Our Christmas picture taken at Jeff's Parent's house Christmas Eve.
Paige and Creig. The oldest and youngest Grandchild on Jeff's side.
Paige waiting for Mommy in the dressing room at Catos in Poplar Bluff. Jeff with my girls before Christams Break.

Well, I've already fallen behind.

Well I haven't kept up with this once again. But I will try to catch you up on what has been happening.

So here goes.....

On December 31st, I had to go back and see my cardiologist. Dr. Groll changed all my medicines and dosages. He said we are going to attack this head on. So now my body is getting use to the new meds and I'm so tired all the time. The side effects to these medicines is scary enough to make you want to just kill yourself. They are so retarded, and if anyone was to take them some of the seriously they would probably kill themselves.

But we are hopping that after a year of being on these medicines and doing "MORE" test, I will have a stronger heart. Although that is the positive side....if the medicines don't work then we will be looking at getting a defibulator. If that doesn't work, then he would send me to a special cardiac center and they would evaluate my condition and more than likely put me on the Heart Transplant list....but Dr. Groll says that could/would be way, way, way, down the list.

I go back on January 9th and start my Cardiac Rehab...why he didn't do that in the first place Jeff and I don't understand, but now we are. And Praise the Lord, the insurance will pay 100% after a $20 copay on the first visit, and I get 36 visits per calander year. Hopefully that is all I will need. No, no hopefully to it..IT WILL BE ALL I NEED! MY GOD IS GOING TO GIVE ME A TOTAL HEALING OF MY HEART!!!

Jeff turns 34 tomorrow and I'm hosting a lunch for his parents and mine. Oh Joy!! What to cook? I'm stressing out over it big time. Well that's life.

Paige will turn 3 on January 31st. Today we went to the St. Clair Home Show where they were doing CHip..(CHild Identification Program). They do pictures (front and both sides), finger printing and either a DNA swab or a tooth impression. Put it all on a disk and give you two identity cards for you and your spouse to carry. If anything was to happen to your child you would just have to call the police and give them the disk. It would automatically print out missing posters and everything. It is something we started last year and will go back and have it updated every year. It really is an awesome program. You can find out more about them at

Well Paige and Jeff are finally asleep for the night and now I must go to bed too. I'm exhausted.

Love to all who read this!